Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Natasha Richardson (1963-2009)

I recently found out that one my favorite actresses past away this month. Her name is Natasha Richardson and she was in many famous films (such as Nell, The Parent Trap, and Maid in Manhattan). She also did stage work, acting in plays like Tennesee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire.

Richardson came from a long line of actors and actresses; her mother being    the legendary Vanessa Redgrave and sister Joely Richardson (some might recognize her as Julia McNamara on Nip/Tuck).


     Natasha was on a skiing trip in Quebec, Canada on March 16th taking a skiing lesson. In the process, Natasha fell and consequently suffered head injury. After her accident, she was able to hold conversations with the paramedics who came to the scene, so she was not admitted to the hospital right away. It wasn’t until 3 hours after she returned to her hotel room, since she was complaining of a headache, that she was taken to the closest hospital. Subsequently, Natasha was transferred to a different hospital in Montreal, Canada- at this point she was in critical condition. About seven hours later, Richardson was taken to a hospital in New York via airplane. It was there, at Lenox Hill Hospital, that Natasha Richardson passed away.

No one is entirely sure what exactly caused her death, specifically, why this head injuy turned fatal. Research shows that even a small head injury can lead to death, so one must not delay when an accident like such occurs.

At any rate, REST IN PEACE, Natasha! Your theatrical grace and elegance will be forever admired!


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