Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Natasha Richardson (1963-2009)

I recently found out that one my favorite actresses past away this month. Her name is Natasha Richardson and she was in many famous films (such as Nell, The Parent Trap, and Maid in Manhattan). She also did stage work, acting in plays like Tennesee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire.

Richardson came from a long line of actors and actresses; her mother being    the legendary Vanessa Redgrave and sister Joely Richardson (some might recognize her as Julia McNamara on Nip/Tuck).


     Natasha was on a skiing trip in Quebec, Canada on March 16th taking a skiing lesson. In the process, Natasha fell and consequently suffered head injury. After her accident, she was able to hold conversations with the paramedics who came to the scene, so she was not admitted to the hospital right away. It wasn’t until 3 hours after she returned to her hotel room, since she was complaining of a headache, that she was taken to the closest hospital. Subsequently, Natasha was transferred to a different hospital in Montreal, Canada- at this point she was in critical condition. About seven hours later, Richardson was taken to a hospital in New York via airplane. It was there, at Lenox Hill Hospital, that Natasha Richardson passed away.

No one is entirely sure what exactly caused her death, specifically, why this head injuy turned fatal. Research shows that even a small head injury can lead to death, so one must not delay when an accident like such occurs.

At any rate, REST IN PEACE, Natasha! Your theatrical grace and elegance will be forever admired!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fatal Attraction, Swim Fan, Cruel Intentions and the Femme Fatal…

     We’ve all seen it happen; Boy meets girl, their eyes meet, and eventually its love at first sight. But what if something goes awry? What happens when this feeling of “love” is not mutual and instead of ‘love at first sight’ it becomes a matter of LUST at first sight?  Infatuation is not all its cracked up to be.  It can become an agonizing and disgusting process.  Some people take this aspect of lust way too far; we see this example in popular movies.

      The other night, I was watching Cruel Intentions starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillippe, and Selma Blair. For those of you who have not yet seen this film, it was popular in the late 90s  (1999) and depicts a love/ lust triangle between the main characters Kathryn (played by Gellar), Sebastian (Ryan) and their “conquests” Annette (Witherspoon) and Selma. Gellar and Phillippe make a perverted bet at the beginning of the movie, stating that if Sebastian has sex with Annette ( who is the headmaster’s daughter) before the school year starts, then he gets to have intercourse with his step sister Kathryn. If he fails, Kathryn gains possession of Sebastian’s beautiful car. Ultimately, Sebastian falls in love with his “conquest” Annette, Kathryn being the bitch that she is ends up turning on him and he gets killed. Karma falls on Kathryn in the worst way by the entire school learning all of her horrible tactics at Sebastian’s funeral; including the fact that she is a HUGE crack snorting hypocrite.

      Another example of crazed femme fatal roles comes from the all famous film entitled Fatal Attraction. In this movie (Starring Glenn Close and Michael Douglass), Glenn’s character meets Michael’s at a corporate dinner event. Everything seemed good and fine in the beginning, but then things got a bit more serious- with the two meeting for “lunches” and going out for coffee. Next thing you know, Michael is meeting Glenn in her apartment for dinner and they end up sleeping together, causing him to be cheating on his wife. Michael knows what he’s doing is wrong, and tries confronting Glenn about their actions and tells her that they must STOP, but she has this horrible hold on him- Glenn’s character wants what she cannot have and is an insane and psychotic individual who will attempt any action it takes to try to be with Michael (including following him home, kidnapping his child, and claiming to be pregnant with his child). Sorry to be a killjoy, but I shall come to the conclusion that whomever is reading this entry has seen this movie- the ending of this thriller depicts Glenn eventually trying to kill everyone off (Michael and is his wife), but ironically, Glenn is the one who dies (gets stabbed/ drowns in the bathtub).

      The final film that I wish to describe is one of my personal favorites called Swimfan. This one is basically an updated 2000’s version of Fatal Attraction, with pretty much the same plot- only it is set in a high school setting. The main character is a taken member if the swim team of the high school the actors attend. He has a very happy and functional relationship with his girlfriend until a Southern Belle comes and takes everything away from him (his job, his chance at a swimming scholarship for college, the tight relationship he has with his mother, etc). After multiple turns of events, the Southern Belle goes postal and ultimately gets killed off- causing everyone else to live happily ever after (again similar to Fatal Attraction’s plot). 

Thursday, March 5, 2009



I love Chris, he's so flippin' HILARIOUS! For those of you who have not heard of him, he is the youtube star who created the "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" video about two years ago.
This video (where Chris is crying hysterically, requesting that people stop talking about Britney Spears; that they give her a break, claiming that she is only human, not entirely well emotionally, and that if anyone had a problem with her, they go through him first) was discovered online by millions of  people and criticized  by the press and various television stations
  There is much controversy that comes with Chris and his videos- he voices his opinions regarding gay rights/marriage, vents about his personal love affairs, and makes videos in the oddest places (fast food drive up windows, random connivence stores with friends, the parking lot of a porno super store/glory hole joint etc.) Some might find Chris a bit strange, due to the fact that he's a she (hair extensions, make-up, his extreme feminine characteristics, and so on), but I for one find his youtube videos to to extremely entertaining.