Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why does everything have to be about sex??

Sex in everything from exercise to Hannah Montana - Editorial

While sitting here contemplating whether or not I should do reading/research or go to bed (story of my life- hahaha), I couldn't help but wonder "why does everything have to be about sex"/ "why is the world we live in so obsessed with sex?" I came across an article entitled Sex in everything from exercise to Hannah Montana that I found to be interesting and worthy of sharing on this blog.
     In a nutshell, this editorial discusses various aspects of sex appeal that the world sends to us. These subjects include sports, exercise, advertisements, and the fact that there are certain characters on the Disney Channel who are overtly sexualized. The first subject covered: sports- apparently there are some people who requested that POLE DANCING be added to the genre of sports in the olympics. "Well, that's just silly; WHY would anyone in their right minds want this?!", one might be asking. The reasoning for this is because pole dancing is full of grace, fluidty, and strength- it reminds some people of gymnastics. Okay, seriously- when I think of gymnastics, the LAST thing on my mind is pole dancing! 
     On to advertisement; let's just face it- SEX SELLS. This editorial talks about how gorgeous women are used to sell things like beer, cars, and furniture; but an interesting fact that it brings up is that of Mr. Clean: according to this source, "...he may be bald and a cartoon, but he is muscular and he helps clean the floor". 
     The final point I'd like to bring up about this editorial in particular is that regarding some popular characters on the Disney channel and how they are overtly sexualized. Hannah Montana is a big one- many young girls idolize over her, watch her television show, and sing along to the cute little song she sings. At the same time however, the media is truly over sexualizing her. Granted she is getting older and some might think she needs to be a little bit more "mature" for the media, but seriously- what example is this setting for the younger girls who love Hannah and are too young to be exposing themselves to all that. 
Humm... okay, perhaps I am just a ranting, raving, conservative- lol; but I just figured I'd share what's been on my mind in regard to the media. Ciao for now! ;-)

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